UK Clinical Pharmacy Association


Issues for surgery

For irritable bowel syndrome, smooth muscle spasm, dysmenorrhoea – loss of symptomatic relief if omitted.

Advice in the perioperative period

Elective and emergency surgery 



  • Fybogel® mebeverine (ispaghula + mebeverine) - see Ispaghula husk monograph

Post-operative advice

Resume post-operatively, if needed, once enteral intake resumed.

Review mebeverine if patient develops reduced gastrointestinal motility (e.g. ileus) post-operatively.

Interactions with common anaesthetic agents


Interactions with other common medicines used in the perioperative period


Further information

None relevant.


Baxter K, Preston CL (eds), Stockley’s Drug Interactions (online) London: Pharmaceutical Press.

Joint Formulary Committee. British National Formulary (online) London: BMJ Group and Pharmaceutical Press. [Accessed on 7th March 2021]

Summary of Product Characteristics – Mebeverine 135mg film-coated tablets. Aurobindo Pharma-Milpharm Ltd. Accessed via 07/03/2021 [date of revision of the text October 2020]